As a Service: OpEx-based hassle-free service solutions for a monthly fee

Contracting: On demand OpEx-based hassle-free service solutions with human resources

Capex versus Opex

CapEx (Capital Expenditure) OpEx (Operating Expenses)
Long lead times for new equipment; significant staff integration effort required On-demand services designed for plug and play
Equipment failures Automated instance health maintenance
Overprovisioning/wasted capacity Buy/rent only what you need, use metrics to resize on-the-fly
HVAC, electricity, facility, rental insurances None of these are required
Low-value maintenance staff required Service provider maintains H/W
Contracts lock you into 1 approach Adopt new approaches as skills and services allow
Configuration efforts can be costly and difficult to remediate Software-defined services are easily reconfigured and deliver repeatable results
New initiatives undergo a slow, rigid provisioning process Stand up or replace assets as you need them
Significant monitoring tooling investment, with limited automation Monitoring and alerting built into service
TCO contains many hidden charges TCO is completely transparent
Financing includes debt service Significant pricing breaks quantities and prepayment
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